MBA: Mature By Accident
Often times, we do not realize how individual moments add together to shape who we are. The actual moment where things become a little clearer is often overlooked, until later when you can reflect on what you learned. MBA: Mature by Accident is a podcast where two friends (with their MBA's) discuss various topics about life as they reflect on those moments that taught them valuable lessons. They explore their own journeys, journeys of special guests, and share lessons they have learned "by accident".
MBA: Mature By Accident
Why Adulting is Hard
Gina and Shashwat talk about some of the most challenging aspects of adulthood, especially now in their mid-30's. They discuss prioritizing numerous schedules, financial responsibilities, managing their parents, being educated about an array of necessary topics, and being tied to their jobs. Anyone who couldn't wait to grow up and become an adult may have gotten way more than they bargained for...